
Error Code

Error Code Description

  1. Overall, the error code follows the format of "ABCDEF". A represents the source. BC represents the function module. DEF represents the module customized error.
  2. The error code description of HMS can not be directly obtained through the error code. Developer needs to complete the concatenation of the "Copy Key" according to the rules introduced in the HMS Function. Search the error code description in the hms.json based on the "Copy Key". If there are variables in the description, developer needs to replace them according to the rules.
First Digit(A)Error Source
3Device Side
4Autel Enterprise

Error Code and Description

Error Code Error Code Description
314001Failed to query mission data
314004Failed to download route file
314005Failed to verify MD5 checksum of route file
314007Failed to send route from nest to drone
316008Mission preparation timeout
314009Low battery, cannot execute mission
314010Failed to send mission command
314012Drone self-check failed, cannot execute mission
314013Incorrect mission file download address
314014Nest preparation failed
319022Failed to execute point flight
500001Drone self-check failed
500002Drone startup failed
500003Drone information retrieval exception
500004Failed to set nest mode
500005Gimbal not initialized
500006Gimbal mode exception
500007Gimbal calibration in progress
500008Gimbal hardware exception
500009Gimbal motor exception
500010Gimbal IMU not calibrated
500011Gimbal IMU failure
500012Gimbal and flight control communication exception
500013Visual exception
500014Radar exception
500015Flight control exception
500016Camera exception
500017SN status exception
500018RTK exception
500019NTRIP exception
500020Path planning module exception
500021LTE status exception
500022RTMP exception
500023Invalid alternate landing point
500024Alternate landing point out of range
500025Nest not initialized
500026Gimbal not ready
500027Nest is preparing for flight
500028File upload not complete
500029Failed to convert third-party mission to UAT file
500030Preparation for flight failed
500031Nest in automatic mode, preparation for flight failed
500033Hatch door opening failed
500034Nest not initialized
500035Center rod release failed
500036Drone connection failed
500037One-click takeoff failed
500038Alternate landing failed
500039Drone did not take off
500040Y rod retraction failed
500041X rod retraction failed
500042Alternate landing timeout
500043Propeller adjustment failed
500044Drone connection lost
500045Battery communication failed
500046Failed to open Z rod for alternate landing
500047Failed to retract Z rod for alternate landing
500048Hatch door closing failed
500049Y rod re-clamping failed
500050Failed to set infrared zoom, please retry