Live Streaming Function
Live Streaming Capability Update
Topic: thing/product/{device_sn}/state
Direction: up
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
live_capacity | Live Streaming Capability | struct | ||
»available_video_number | Total Number of Available Video Streams | int | {} | Indicates the total number of video streams available for live streaming by the drone or device |
»coexist_video_number_max | Maximum Number of Simultaneous Video Streams | int | {} | |
»device_list | List of Sub-devices | array | {} | |
»»[array_item] | Elements in array | struct | {} | {"size": "2"} |
»»»sn | Device Serial Number (SN) | text | {"length":"10240"} | |
»»»available_video_number | Total Number of Available Video Streams | int | {} | Indicates the total number of video streams available for live streaming by the device |
»»»coexist_video_number_max | Maximum Number of Simultaneous Video Streams | int | {} | |
»»»camera_list | Camera List on the Device | array | {"item": {"type": "struct", "specs": [ {"identifier": "camera_index", "name": "Camera Index, consisting of type enumeration and gimbal position number", "dataType": {"type": "text", "specs": {"length": "24"}}}, {"identifier": "available_video_number", "name": "Total Number of Available Video Streams", "desc": "Indicates the total number of video streams available for live streaming by this camera", "dataType": {"type": "int", "specs": {}}}, {"identifier": "coexist_video_number_max", "name": "Maximum Number of Simultaneous Video Streams by this Camera", "dataType": {"type": "int", "specs": {}}}, {"identifier": "video_list", "name": "List of Video Streams", "dataType": {"type": "array", "specs": {"item": {"type": "struct", "specs": [ {"identifier": "video_index", "name": "Video Index", "dataType": {"type": "text", "specs": {"length": "24"}}}, {"identifier": "video_type", "name": "Type of Video", "desc": "Indicates the type of video lens, such as normal/wide/zoom/ir", "dataType": {"type": "text", "specs": {"length": "24"}}}, {"identifier": "switchable_video_types", "name": "List of Switchable Video Lens Types: normal/wide/zoom/ir", "dataType": {"type": "array", "specs": {"type": "text", "length": "24"}}}]}}}}]}} |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"live_capacity": {
"available_video_number": 3,
"coexist_video_number_max": 2,
"device_list": [
"sn": "4BKBJ4R1010TGD",
"available_video_number": 1,
"coexist_video_number_max": 1,
"camera_list": [
"camera_index": "165-0-7",
"available_video_number": 1,
"coexist_video_number_max": 1,
"video_list": [
"video_index": "normal-0",
"video_type": "normal",
"switchable_video_types": [
"sn": "1581F4BND22180040075",
"available_video_number": 2,
"coexist_video_number_max": 2,
"camera_list": [
"camera_index": "39-0-7",
"available_video_number": 1,
"coexist_video_number_max": 1,
"video_list": [
"video_index": "normal-0",
"video_type": "normal",
"switchable_video_types": [
"camera_index": "52-0-0",
"available_video_number": 1,
"coexist_video_number_max": 1,
"video_list": [
"video_index": "normal-0",
"video_type": "wide",
"switchable_video_types": [
"timestamp:": 1654070968655,
"gateway": "4BKBJ4R1010TGD"
Start Live Streaming
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: live_start_push
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
url_type | Live Stream Protocol Type | enum | {"1":"RTMP","2":"RTSP","3":"GB28181"\,"101", "4G_RTMP"} | |
url | Live Stream Parameters | text | {} | RTMP format example: (rtmp://xxxxxxx) Example: rtmp:// |
video_id | Live Stream Video ID | text | {} | Format: #{uav_sn}/#{camera_id}/#{video_index}; e.g., for a drone: "1748FEV3HMA923171787/drone-camera-0/normal" |
video_quality | Live Stream Quality | enum | {"2":"SD", "3":"HD"} | Different resolution options: SD: 1280 x 720, HD: 1920 x 1080 |
video_type | Live Stream Lens Type | text | {"normal","zoom","ir"} | Specifies the type of lens used, e.g., normal/zoom/infrared |
"timestamp": 1711022516332,
"data": {
"url": "rtmp://",
"url_type": 1,
"video_id": "1748FEV3HMA923171787/drone-camera-0/normal",
"video_quality": 1,
"video_type": "zoom"
"method": "live_start_push",
"tid": "b92a6aa1-96eb-4b4a-848f-c0f63f206d3b",
"bid": "74008969-0d46-4f69-9a03-78423824fe24",
"gateway": "TH7923221094"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: live_start_push
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp:": 1654070968655,
"method": "live_start_push",
"data": \{
"result": 0
Stop Live Stream
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: live_stop_push
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
video_id | The ID of the live video stream | text | {} | The format is as follows:#{uav_sn}/#{camera_id}/#{video_index} ; where:uav_sn : The UAV's serial number; camera_id : The payload and its mounting position (in an enumerated format); video_index : The payload lens identifier. For example: Nest stream ID: "1748FEV3HMA923171787/nest-camera-out/normal" ; Drone stream ID: "1748FEV3HMA923171787/drone-camera-0/normal" . |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp:": 1654070968655,
"method": "live_stop_push",
"data": {
"video_id": "1748FEV3HMA923171787/drone-camera-0/normal"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: live_stop_push
Data: null
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp:": 1654070968655,
"method": "live_stop_push",
"data": \{
"result": 0
Set the live broadcast resolution
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: live_set_quality
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
video_id | Stream Video ID | text | {} | Format: #{uav_sn}/#{camera_id}/#{video_index}; UAV SN number / payload and mount position / payload lens ID |
video_quality | Stream Quality | enum | {"2":"SD", "3":"HD"} | Different resolution levels: SD (1280 * 720), HD (1920 * 1080) |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp:": 1654070968655,
"method": "live_set_quality",
"data": {
"video_id": "1ZNDH1D0010098/39-0-7/normal-0",
"video_quality": 4
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: live_set_quality
Data: null
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp:": 1654070968655,
"method": "live_set_quality",
"data": \{
"result": 0
Set up live camera
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: live_lens_change
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
video_id | Stream Video ID | text | {} | Format: #{uav_sn}/#{camera_id}/#{video_index}; UAV SN number / payload and mount position / payload lens ID |
video_type | Stream Lens Type | enum | {"normal":"default","wide":"wide-angle","zoom":"zoom","ir":"infrared"} |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp:": 1654070968655,
"method": "live_lens_change",
"data": {
"video_id": "1581F5BMD228Q00A82XX/39-0-7/zoom-0",
"video_type": "zoom"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: live_lens_change
Data: null
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp:": 1654070968655,
"method": "live_lens_change",
"data": \{
"result": 0