Command Flight
Flyto Execution Result Event Notification
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/events
Direction: up
Method: fly_to_point_progress
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
fly_to_id | Target Point ID | text | ||
status | Status | enum_string | {"wayline_cancel":"Fly to target point canceled", "wayline_failed":"Execution failed", "wayline_ok":"Execution successful, reached target point", "wayline_progress":"In progress"} | |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error | |
way_point_index | Current Waypoint Index | int | ||
remaining_distance | Remaining Task Distance | float | {"step":0.1, "unit_name":"meters / m"} | |
remaining_time | Remaining Task Time | float | {"step":0.1, "unit_name":"seconds / s"} | |
planned_path_points | Planned Path Points | array | {"}size": -, "item_type": struct} | |
»latitude | Trajectory Latitude | double | {"max":90,"min":-90} | Latitude of the trajectory point, accurate to 6 decimal places |
»longitude | Trajectory Longitude | double | {"max":180,"min":-180} | Longitude of the trajectory point, accurate to 6 decimal places |
»height | Trajectory Height | float | {"step":0.1,"unit_name":"meters / m"} | Height of the trajectory point, in meters |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"fly_to_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"planned_path_points": [
"height": 123.234,
"latitude": 13.23,
"longitude": 123.234
"remaining_distance": 0,
"remaining_time": 0,
"result": 0,
"status": "wayline_progress",
"way_point_index": 0
"need_reply": 1,
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 16540709686556,
"method": "fly_to_point_progress"
One-click Takeoff Result Event Notification
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/events
Direction: up
Method: takeoff_to_point_progress
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
status | Task Status | enum_string | {"task_finish":"One-key takeoff task completed", "task_ready":"Ready for takeoff", "wayline_cancel":"Target waypoint flight canceled", "wayline_failed":"Execution failed", "wayline_ok":"Execution successful, target waypoint reached", "wayline_progress":"In progress"} | |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero indicates an error | |
flight_id | One-click Takeoff Task UUID | text | ||
track_id | Track ID | text | ||
way_point_index | Current Waypoint Index | int | ||
remaining_distance | Remaining Task Distance | float | {"step":0.1, "unit_name":"meters / m"} | |
remaining_time | Remaining Task Time | float | {"step":0.1, "unit_name":"seconds / s"} | |
planned_path_points | Planned Path Points | array | {"}size": -, "item_type": struct} | |
»latitude | Trajectory Point Latitude (Degrees) | double | {"max":90,"min":-90} | Latitude of the trajectory point, with 6 decimal place accuracy |
»longitude | Trajectory Point Longitude (Degrees) | double | {"max":180,"min":-180} | Longitude of the trajectory point, with 6 decimal place accuracy |
»height | Trajectory Point Altitude | float | {"step":0.1, "unit_name":"meters / m"} | Altitude of the trajectory point, ellipsoid height |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"flight_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"planned_path_points": [
"height": 123.234,
"latitude": 13.23,
"longitude": 123.234
"remaining_distance": 0,
"remaining_time": 0,
"result": 0,
"status": "wayline_ok",
"track_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"way_point_index": 1
"need_reply": 1,
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 16540709686556,
"method": "takeoff_to_point_progress"
Flight Control Grab
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: flight_authority_grab
Data: null
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {},
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "flight_authority_grab"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: flight_authority_grab
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "flight_authority_grab"
Load Control Grab
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: payload_authority_grab
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
payload_index | Payload enumeration value | text | Lens Payload and Mounting Position Enumeration Values Non-standard device_mode_key , format: {type-subtype-gimbalindex}. Please refer to the product support page for details. |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"payload_index": "68-0-0"
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "payload_authority_grab"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: payload_authority_grab
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "payload_authority_grab"
Enter Command Flight Control Mode
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: drc_mode_enter
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
mqtt_broker | Broker Connection Info | struct | Retrieve the MQTT relay service address and authentication information | |
»address | Server Connection Address | text | Server connection address, e.g.,, | |
»client_id | Client ID | text | Customizable MQTT client ID. It is recommended to use the device's SN code, or combine it with a meaningful prefix, e.g., drc-4J4R101 | |
»username | Username | text | Username used for establishing the connection | |
»password | Password | text | Password required for authentication when establishing the connection | |
»expire_time | Authentication Expiry Time | int | {"unit_name":"seconds / s"} | Authentication information can be reused within the validity period, and its expiration does not affect already established connections |
»enable_tls | Enable TLS | bool | Enable TLS to encrypt the MQTT link | |
osd_frequency | OSD Frequency | int | {"max":30,"min":1,"unit_name":"Hertz / Hz"} | Set the OSD reporting frequency |
hsi_frequency | HSI Frequency | int | {"max":30,"min":1,"unit_name":"Hertz / Hz"} | Set the HSI reporting frequency |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"hsi_frequency": 1,
"mqtt_broker": {
"address": "",
"client_id": "sn_a",
"enable_tls": true,
"expire_time": 1672744922,
"password": "jwt_token",
"username": "sn_a_username"
"osd_frequency": 10
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "drc_mode_enter"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: drc_mode_enter
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "drc_mode_enter"
Exit Command Flight Control Mode
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: drc_mode_exit
Data: null
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {},
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "drc_mode_exit"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: drc_mode_exit
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "drc_mode_exit"
One-click Takeoff
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: takeoff_to_point
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
target_latitude | Target Latitude (Degrees) | double | {"max":90,"min":-90} | Target point latitude, in degrees. Negative for south, positive for north. Precision up to six decimal places. |
target_longitude | Target Longitude (Degrees) | double | {"max":180,"min":-180} | Target point longitude, in degrees. Negative for west, positive for east. Precision up to six decimal places. |
target_height | Target Height | float | {"max":1500, "min":2, "step":0.1, "unit_name":"meters / m"} | Target point height (ellipsoid height) based on the WGS84 model. The default action for the drone after reaching the point is to hover. |
flight_id | One-click Takeoff Task UUID | text | Task UUID, globally unique, used to identify and distinguish between normal scheduled tasks and one-key takeoff tasks on the cloud. | |
max_speed | Maximum Speed During One-click Takeoff | int | {"max":15, "min":1, "unit_name":"meters per second / m/s"} |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"flight_id": "ABDEAC21DCADDA",
"max_speed": 12,
"target_height": 100,
"target_latitude": 12.23,
"target_longitude": 12.32
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "takeoff_to_point"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: takeoff_to_point
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "takeoff_to_point"
Flyto Fly to the Target Point
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: fly_to_point
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
fly_to_id | Flyto Target Point ID | text | ||
max_speed | Maximum Speed During Flyto | int | {"max":15, "min":0, "unit_name":"meters per second / m/s"} | |
points | Flyto Target Points List | array | {"}size": -, "item_type": struct} | Only supports 1 target point |
»latitude | Target Point Latitude (Degrees) | double | {"max":90,"min":-90} | Target point latitude, in degrees. Negative for south, positive for north. Precision up to six decimal places |
»longitude | Target Point Longitude (Degrees) | double | {"max":180,"min":-180} | Target point longitude, in degrees. Negative for west, positive for east. Precision up to six decimal places |
»height | Target Point Height | float | {"max":10000, "min":2, "step":0.1, "unit_name":"meters / m"} | Target point height (ellipsoid height) using the WGS84 model |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"fly_to_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"max_speed": 12,
"points": [
"height": 100,
"latitude": 12.23,
"longitude": 12.23
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "fly_to_point"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: fly_to_point
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "fly_to_point"
End the Flyto Mission
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: fly_to_point_stop
Data: null
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {},
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "fly_to_point_stop"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: fly_to_point_stop
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "fly_to_point_stop"
Joystick Control Invalid Reason Notification
The joystick is a comprehensive control feature for the drone. If it is unavailable, the drone_control capability will not be functional, preventing manual control.
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/events
Direction: up
Method: joystick_invalid_notify
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
reason | Task Status | int | {"0":"Remote controller disconnected","1":"Low battery return","2":"Low battery landing","3":"Approaching no-fly zone","4":"Remote controller took over (e.g., triggered return, controller B took over)"} |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"reason": 0
"need_reply": 1,
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "joystick_invalid_notify"
Payload Control - Single Shot
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: camera_photo_take
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
payload_index | Camera Enum | text | Camera enumeration value. A non-standard device_mode_key, formatted as {type-subtype-gimbalindex}. You can refer to the [Product Support] for details. |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"payload_index": "68-0-0"
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_photo_take"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: camera_photo_take
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_photo_take"
Payload Control - Start Recording
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: camera_recording_start
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
payload_index | Camera Enum | text | Camera enumeration value. A non-standard device_mode_key, formatted as {type-subtype-gimbalindex}. You can refer to the [Product Support] for details. |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"payload_index": "68-0-0"
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_recording_start"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: camera_recording_start
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_recording_start"
Payload Control - Stop Recording
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: camera_recording_stop
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
payload_index | Camera Enum | text | Camera enumeration value. A non-standard device_mode_key, formatted as {type-subtype-gimbalindex}. You can refer to the [Product Support] for details. |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"payload_index": "68-0-0"
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_recording_stop"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: camera_recording_stop
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_recording_stop"
Payload Control - Frame Drag Control
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: camera_screen_drag
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
payload_index | Camera Enum | text | Camera enumeration value. A non-standard device_mode_key, formatted as {type-subtype-gimbalindex}. You can refer to the [Product Support] for details. | |
locked | Whether the relationship between the drone head and gimbal is locked | bool | {"false":"Only the gimbal rotates, the drone body does not rotate","true":"Lock the drone head, both the gimbal and body rotate together"} | |
pitch_speed | Gimbal pitch speed | double | {"unit_name":"degrees per second / deg/s"} | Gimbal pitch speed, only supports gimbal rotation |
yaw_speed | Gimbal yaw speed | double | {"unit_name":"degrees per second / deg/s"} | Gimbal yaw speed, only supports locked drone head |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"locked": false,
"payload_index": "68-0-0",
"pitch_speed": 0.1,
"yaw_speed": 0.1
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_screen_drag"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: camera_screen_drag
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_screen_drag"
Payload Control – Zoom
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: camera_focal_length_set
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
payload_index | Camera Enum | text | Camera enumeration value. A non-standard device_mode_key, formatted as {type-subtype-gimbalindex}. You can refer to the [Product Support] for details. | |
camera_type | Camera Type | enum_string | {"ir":"Infrared","wide":"Wide Angle","zoom":"Zoom"} | Enum for camera types |
zoom_factor | Zoom Factor | double | {"max":200,"min":2} | Zoom factor, visible light range: 2-200, infrared range: 2-20 |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"camera_type": "zoom",
"payload_index": "68-0-0",
"zoom_factor": 5
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_focal_length_set"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: camera_focal_length_set
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_focal_length_set"
Payload Control - Reset Gimbal
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: gimbal_reset
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
payload_index | Payload ID | text | Payload ID, camera enumeration value. Non-standard device_mode_key, format is {type-subtype-gimbalindex}, refer to [Product Support] for details | |
reset_mode | Reset Mode | enum_int | {"0":"Center","1":"Downward","2":"Yaw Center","3":"45 Degrees Downward"} |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"payload_index": "68-0-0",
"reset_mode": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "gimbal_reset"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: gimbal_reset
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "gimbal_reset"
Payload Control—Photo Storage Settings
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: photo_storage_set
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
payload_index | Camera Enum | text | Camera enumeration value. Non-standard device_mode_key, formatted as {type-subtype-gimbalindex}, refer to [Product Support] for details | |
photo_storage_settings | Photo Storage Settings Collection | array | {"}size": -, "item_type": enum_string} | Photo storage types {current, wide, zoom, ir}, multiple selections are allowed |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"payload_index": "68-0-0",
"photo_storage_settings": [
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "photo_storage_set"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: photo_storage_set
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "photo_storage_set"
Payload Control—Video Storage Settings
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: video_storage_set
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
payload_index | Camera Enum | text | Camera enumeration value. Non-standard device_mode_key, formatted as {type-subtype-gimbalindex}, refer to [Product Support] for details | |
video_storage_settings | Video Storage Settings Collection | array | {"}size": -, "item_type": enum_string} | Video storage types {current, wide, zoom, ir}, multiple selections are allowed |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"payload_index": "68-0-0",
"video_storage_settings": [
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "video_storage_set"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services_reply
Direction: up
Method: video_storage_set
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"result": 0
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "video_storage_set"
Payload Control—Look At
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/services
Direction: down
Method: camera_look_at
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
latitude | Target Latitude | double | {"max":90,"min":-90} | Angle value. Negative for southern latitudes, positive for northern latitudes, accurate to 6 decimal places. |
longitude | Target Longitude | double | {"max":180,"min":-180} | Angle value. Positive for eastern longitudes, negative for western longitudes, accurate to 6 decimal places. |
height | Target Height | float | {"max":10000,"min":2,"step":0.1,"unit_name":"meters / m"} | Height of the target point |
"bid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"data": {
"height": 100,
"latitude": 12.23,
"longitude": 12.23
"tid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1654070968655,
"method": "camera_look_at"
DRC-Flight Control
Once in command flight mode, this instruction allows control of the drone's flight direction and speed. The sending frequency must be maintained between 5-10 Hz to ensure the device can accurately control changes in speed and direction.At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the aircraft is in a propeller flight state; otherwise, it will be ineffective.
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/drc/down
Direction: down
Method: drone_control
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
seq | Command Sequence | int | Incremental sequence number to ensure commands are executed in order. If the x, y, h, or w parameters change, seq must start increasing from 0. | |
x | Forward/Backward Speed | double | {"max":17, "min":-17, "unit_name":"meters per second / m/s"} | Maximum forward/backward speed, negative values indicate backward movement |
y | Left/Right Speed | double | {"max":17, "min":-17, "unit_name":"meters per second / m/s"} | Maximum left/right speed, negative values indicate leftward movement |
h | Up/Down Speed | double | {"max":5, "min":-4, "unit_name":"meters per second / m/s"} | Maximum up/down speed, negative values indicate downward movement |
w | Yaw Angular Speed | double | {"max":90, "min":-90, "unit_name":"radians per second / rad/s"} | Maximum yaw angular speed, negative values indicate counterclockwise rotation |
"data": {
"freq": 10,
"h": 2.76,
"seq": 1,
"w": 2.86,
"x": 2.34,
"y": -2.45
"method": "drone_control"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/drc/up
Direction: up
Method: drone_control
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Column | Nameint | Type | Non-zero indicates an error, exceptional cases include: no flight control, no virtual joystick permission, incorrect data packet sequence |
resultoutput | Output | intstruct | Non-zero indicates an error, exceptional cases include: no flight control, no virtual joystick permission, incorrect data packet sequence | |
output»seq | Command Sequence | structint | Incremental sequence number to ensure commands are executed in order |
"data": {
"output": {
"seq": 1
"result": 0
"method": "drone_control"
DRC-Drone Emergency Stop
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/drc/down
Direction: down
Method: drone_emergency_stop
Data: null
"data": {},
"method": "drone_emergency_stop"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/drc/up
Direction: up
Method: drone_emergency_stop
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
result | Return Code | int | Non-zero represents an error |
"data": {
"result": 0
"method": "drone_emergency_stop"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/drc/down
Direction: down
Method: heart_beat
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
seq | DRC-Obstacle Avoidance Information Reporting | int | Incremental sequence number to ensure the command is executed in order | |
timestamp | Heartbeat Timestamp | int | {"unit_name":"milliseconds / ms"} | Timestamp of when the heartbeat was sent, not the device-side time, to help the cloud calculate delay based on send/receive intervals |
"data": {
"seq": 10,
"timestamp": 1670415891013
"method": "heart_beat"
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/drc/up
Direction: up
Method: heart_beat
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
seq | Command Sequence | int | Incremental sequence number to ensure the command is executed in order | |
timestamp | Heartbeat Timestamp | int | {"unit_name":"milliseconds / ms"} | Timestamp of when the heartbeat was sent, not the device-side time, to help the cloud calculate delay based on send/receive intervals |
"data": {
"seq": 10,
"timestamp": 1670415891013
"method": "heart_beat"
DRC-Obstacle Avoidance Information Reporting
Topic: thing/product/{gateway_sn}/drc/up
Direction: up
Method: hsi_info_push
Column | Name | Type | constraint | Description |
down_distance | Distance to obstacle below | int | Unit: mm | |
up_distance | Distance to obstacle above | int | Unit: mm | |
front1_distance | Distance to obstacle from front radar 1 | int | Unit: mm | |
front2_distance | Distance to obstacle from front radar 2 | int | Unit: mm | |
front3_distance | Distance to obstacle from front radar 3 | int | Unit: mm | |
front4_distance | Distance to obstacle from front radar 4 | int | Unit: mm | |
left1_distance | Distance to obstacle from left radar 1 | int | Unit: mm | |
left2_distance | Distance to obstacle from left radar 2 | int | Unit: mm | |
left3_distance | Distance to obstacle from left radar 3 | int | Unit: mm | |
rear1_distance | Distance to obstacle from rear radar 1 | int | Unit: mm | |
rear2_distance | Distance to obstacle from rear radar 2 | int | Unit: mm | |
rear3_distance | Distance to obstacle from rear radar 3 | int | Unit: mm | |
rear4_distance | Distance to obstacle from rear radar 4 | int | Unit: mm | |
right1_distance | Distance to obstacle from right radar 1 | int | Unit: mm | |
right2_distance | Distance to obstacle from right radar 2 | int | Unit: mm | |
right3_distance | Distance to obstacle from right radar 3 | int | Unit: mm | |
radar_enable | Obstacle avoidance switch | boolean |