
Common Element Information

Information Description

Shared Elements


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:droneEnumValueDrone Main ModelInteger-11000 (Models: M4T/M4N)
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:droneSubEnumValueDrone Sub ModelInteger-When the "Drone Main Model" is "11000 (Models: M4T/M4N)":
0 (Model: M4T Dual Light),
1 (Model: M4N Triple Light)
Required element
* Note: This element is required only when the "Drone Main Model" has a valid value.


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:payloadEnumValuePayload Main ModelInteger-705 (XL705 Gimbal),
715 (XL715 Gimbal),
720 (XL720 Gimbal),
801 (XL801 Gimbal),
802 (XL802 Gimbal),
805 (XL805 Gimbal),
806 (XL806 Gimbal)
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Drone Position 1. Corresponds to the main gimbal.
1: Drone Position 2.
2: Drone Position 3.
Required elementM4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Drone position 1. Corresponds to the main gimbal.
1: Drone position 2.
2: Drone position 3.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:focusModeFocus ModeEnum-string-firstPoint: Auto-focus on the first waypoint
custom: Calibrated focus value
wpml:meteringModeMetering ModeEnum-string-average: Global metering
spot: Spot metering
wpml:dewarpingEnableEnable Distortion CorrectionBoolean-0: Disabled
1: Enabled
wpml:returnModeLidar Return ModeEnum-string-singleReturnStrongest: Single return
dualReturn: Dual return
tripleReturn: Triple return
wpml:samplingRateSampling RateIntegerHz60000,
wpml:scanningModeScanning ModeEnum-string-repetitive: Repetitive scanning
nonRepetitive: Non-repetitive scanning
wpml:modelColoringEnableTrue-Color ColoringBoolean0: Not colored
1: True-color coloring
wpml:imageFormatImage Format ListEnum-string (List)wide: Save wide-angle lens photos
zoom: Save zoom lens photos
ir: Save infrared lens photos
narrow_band: Save narrow-band lens photos
visible: Visible light photos
* Note: To save multiple lens photos, format as "<wpml:imageFormat>wide,ir</wpml:imageFormat>"
Required elementM4T/M4N

<wpml:waypointHeadingParam> & <wpml:globalWaypointHeadingParam>

ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:waypointHeadingModeDrone Yaw ModeEnum-string-followWayline: The drone's nose follows the flight path direction.
manually: Manual control. The user can manually adjust the drone's nose direction while moving to the next waypoint.
fixed: Locks the current yaw angle. The drone's nose remains fixed after completing the waypoint action while moving to the next waypoint.
smoothTransition: Custom yaw mode. The yaw angle is given by "wpml" and smoothly transitions during the segment flight to the next waypoint.
towardPOI: Points toward a point of interest (POI)
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:waypointHeadingAngleDrone Yaw AngleInteger-Specifies the target yaw angle at a given waypoint and smoothly transitions during the flight segment to the next waypoint.Required element
* Note: Only required when "wpml" is set to "smoothTransition".
wpml:waypointPoiPointPoint of Interest (POI)--Data format: Latitude, Longitude, Altitude
Note: This field is valid only when "wpml" is set to "towardPOI". Z-axis (altitude) targeting is not supported; height can be set to 0. After setting a waypoint's "wpml
Required only when "wpml" is set to "towardPOI".M4T/M4N
wpml:waypointHeadingPathModeDrone Yaw Rotation ModeEnum-string-clockwise: Rotate the drone's yaw angle clockwise.
counterClockwise: Rotate the drone's yaw angle counterclockwise.
followBadArc: Rotate the drone's yaw along the shortest path.
Required elementM4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:waypointTurnModeWaypoint Type (Turn Mode)Enum - string-coordinateTurn: Coordinated turn, bypassing the point and turning in advance.
toPointAndStopWithDiscontinuityCurvature: Linear flight, drone stops at the point.
toPointAndStopWithContinuityCurvature: Curved flight, drone stops at the point.
toPointAndPassWithContinuityCurvature: Curved flight, drone passes the point without stopping.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:waypointTurnDampingDistWaypoint Turn Damping DistanceFloatm(0, Segment maximum length]
* Note: The length of the segment between two waypoints must be greater than the sum of the turn damping distances of both waypoints. This element defines how many meters before the waypoint the drone will start turning.
Required element
* Note: This element is required only when “wpml” is set to “1”.


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:missionAutoRerouteModeMission Route Reroute ModeBoolean-0: Disabled, 1: EnabledRequired element-
wpml:transitionalAutoRerouteModeTransition Route Reroute ModeBoolean-0: Disabled, 1: EnabledRequired element-


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:actionGroupIdAction Group ID
* Note: Unique within a kmz file. Suggested to start from 0 and increment sequentially.
Integer-[0, 65535]Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:actionGroupStartIndexWaypoint at which the action group becomes activeInteger-[0, 65535]Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:actionGroupEndIndexWaypoint at which the action group stops being active
* Note: If "actionGroupEndIndex" equals "actionGroupStartIndex," the action group only applies to that waypoint.
Integer-[0, 65535]
* Note: This element must be greater than or equal to "actionGroupStartIndex."。
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:actionGroupModeAction Execution ModeEnum - string-sequence: Actions are executed sequentially, in the order they appear in the action group.Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:actionTriggerAction Group Trigger----M4T/M4N
wpml:actionAction List----M4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:actionTriggerTypeAction Trigger TypeEnum-string-reachPoint: Triggered upon reaching a waypoint.
betweenAdjacentPoints: Triggered during the flight segment between two waypoints, evenly rotating the gimbal.
multipleTiming: Triggered at equal time intervals.
multipleDistance: Triggered at equal distance intervals.
* Note: "betweenAdjacentPoints" must be used with the action "gimbalEvenlyRotate".
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:actionTriggerParamAction Trigger ParameterFloats or m> 0
* Note: When "actionTriggerType" is "multipleTiming," this element represents the time interval in seconds. When "actionTriggerType" is "multipleDistance," this element represents the distance interval in meters.


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:actionIdAction ID
* Note: Unique within an action group. Suggested to start from 0 and increment sequentially.
Integer-[0, 65535]Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:actionActuatorFuncAction TypeEnum-string-takePhoto: Take a single photo
startRecord: Start video recording
stopRecord: Stop video recording
focus: Focus
zoom: Zoom
customDirName: Create a new folder
gimbalRotate: Rotate the gimbal
rotateYaw: Rotate the drone's yaw
hover: Hover
gimbalEvenlyRotate: Evenly rotate the gimbal pitch between waypoints
accurateShoot: Precision reshoot action (no longer supported, recommended to use "orientedShoot")
orientedShoot: Precision reshoot action
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:actionActuatorFuncParamAction Parameters----M4T/M4N



ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Drone mounting position 1. Corresponds to the main gimbal.
1: Drone mounting position 2.
2: Drone mounting position 3.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:fileSuffixPhoto File SuffixString-A suffix added to the media file name during generation.Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:payloadLensIndexPhoto Storage TypeImage format listEnum-string (list)zoom: Store zoom lens photos
wide: Store wide-angle lens photos
ir: Store infrared lens photos
narrow_band: Store narrow-band lens photos
visable: Visible-light photos
night: Night vision photos
* Note: To store multiple lens photos, the format is like "<wpml:payloadLensIndex>wide,ir,narrow_band</wpml:payloadLensIndex>", indicating the storage of wide, infrared, and narrow-band lens photos
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:useGlobalPayloadLensIndexUse Global Storage TypeBoolean-0: Do not use global settings
1: Use global settings
Required elementM4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Drone mounting position 1. Corresponds to the main gimbal.
1: Drone mounting position 2.
2: Drone mounting position 3.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:fileSuffixPhoto File SuffixString-A suffix added to the media file name during generation.Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:payloadLensIndexVideo Storage TypeVideo format listEnum-string (list)zoom: Store zoom lens video
wide: Store wide-angle lens video
ir: Store infrared lens video
narrow_band: Store narrow-band lens video
visable: Visible-light video
night: Night vision video
* Note: To store multiple lens videos, the format is like “<wpml:payloadLensIndex>wide,ir,narrow_band</wpml:payloadLensIndex>”, indicating the storage of wide, infrared, and narrow-band lens videos
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:useGlobalPayloadLensIndexUse Global Storage TypeBoolean-0: Do not use global settings
1: Use global settings
Required elementM4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionIntege-0: Drone mounting position 1. Corresponds to the main gimbal.
1: Drone mounting position 2.
2: Drone mounting position 3.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:payloadLensIndexVideo Storage TypeVideo format listEnum-string (list)zoom: Store zoom lens video
wide: Store wide-angle lens video
ir: Store infrared lens video
narrow_band: Store narrow-band lens video
* Note: To store multiple lens videos, the format is like “<wpml:payloadLensIndex>wide,ir,narrow_band</wpml:payloadLensIndex>”, indicating the storage of wide, infrared, and narrow-band lens videos


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Drone mounting position 1. Corresponds to the main gimbal.
1: Drone mounting position 2.
2: Drone mounting position 3.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:isPointFocusIs Point FocusBoolean-0: Area Focus 1: Point FocusRequired elementM4T/M4N
wpml:focusXFocus X PositionFloat-[0, 1]
* Note: X-axis coordinate (width) of the focus point or focus area's top-left corner. 0 is the far-left, 1 is the far-right.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:focusYFocus Y PositionFloat-[0, 1]
* Note: Y-axis coordinate (height) of the focus point or focus area's top-left corner. 0 is the top, 1 is the bottom.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:focusRegionWidthFocus Region WidthFloat-[0, 1]
* Note: Proportion of the width occupied by the focus region relative to the whole image.
Required element (if "isPointFocus" is "0", i.e., Area Focus)M4T/M4N
wpml:focusRegionHeightFocus Region HeightFloat-[0, 1]
* Note: Proportion of the height occupied by the focus region relative to the whole image.
Required element (if "isPointFocus" is "0", i.e., Area Focus)M4T/M4N
wpml:isInfiniteFocusIs Infinite FocusBoolean-0: Not infinite focus 1: Infinite focusRequired elementM4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Drone mounting position 1. Corresponds to the main gimbal.
1: Drone mounting position 2.
2: Drone mounting position 3.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:focalLengthZoom Focal LengthFloatmmGreater than 0Required elementM4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Drone mounting position 1. Corresponds to the main gimbal.
1: Drone mounting position 2.
2: Drone mounting position 3.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:directoryNameNew Folder NameString--Required elementM4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Mounting position 1 on the drone, corresponding to the main gimbal.
1: Mounting position 2.
2: Mounting position 3.
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalHeadingYawBaseGimbal Yaw Base Coordinate SystemEnum-string-north: Relative to true northRequired elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalRotateModeGimbal Rotation ModeEnum-string-relativeAngle: Relative to the drone's heading
absoluteAngle: Absolute angle relative to true north
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalPitchRotateEnableEnable Gimbal Pitch RotationBoolean-0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalPitchRotateAngleGimbal Pitch Rotation AngleFloat-* Note: The range of motion depends on the specific gimbalRequired elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalRollRotateEnableEnable Gimbal Roll RotationBoolean-0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalRollRotateAngleGimbal Roll Rotation AngleFloat-* Note: The range of motion depends on the specific gimbalRequired elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalYawRotateEnableEnable Gimbal Yaw RotationBoolean-0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalYawRotateAngleGimbal Yaw Rotation AngleFloat-* Note: The range of motion depends on the specific gimbalRequired elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalRotateTimeEnableEnable Gimbal Rotation TimingBoolean-0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Required elementM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalRotateTimeGimbal Rotation TimeFloats-Required elementM4T/M4N


Note: The action “gimbalEvenlyRotate” performs a uniform rotation of the gimbal pitch angle between flight segments, and its trigger type must be set to “betweenAdjacentPoints.”

ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:gimbalPitchRotateAngleGimbal Pitch Rotation AngleFloat-* Note: Different gimbals have different rotation ranges.RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Mount position 1 on the drone (Main Gimbal).
1: Mount position 2 on the drone.
2: Mount position 3 on the drone.


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:aircraftHeadingDrone Target Yaw Angle (Relative to Geographic North)Float°[-180, 180]
* Note: The drone will rotate to this target yaw angle. 0° is North, 90° is East, -90° is West, and -180°/180° is South.
wpml:aircraftPathModeDrone Yaw Angle Rotation ModeEnum-string-clockwise: Rotate clockwise
counterClockwise: Rotate counterclockwise


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:hoverTimeDrone Hover Waiting TimeFloats> 0RequiredM4T/M4N


ElementNametypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:gimbalPitchRotateAngleGimbal Pitch Rotate AngleFloat°[-120, 45]RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalYawRotateAngleGimbal Yaw Rotate AngleFloat°[-180, 180]RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:focusXFocus Frame Center X CoordinateIntegerpx(0, 960)
*Note: Top-left corner of the image is the origin (0,0)
wpml:focusYFocus Frame Center Y CoordinateIntegerpx(0, 720)
*Note: Top-left corner of the image is the origin (0,0)
wpml:focusRegionWidthFocus Frame WidthIntegerpx(0, 960)RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:focusRegionHeightFocus Frame HeightIntegerpx(0, 720)RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:focalLengthFocal LengthFloatmm> 0RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:aircraftHeadingDrone Heading (Relative to True North)Float°[-180, 180]
*Note: 0° is North, 90° is East, -90° is West, -180°/180° is South
wpml:accurateFrameValidPrecise Re-shoot Frame ValidBoolean-1: Target object selected
0: Target not selected.
*Note: When set to 1, the drone will autonomously search for the target to shoot again. When set to 0, the drone will only replicate the position without target search.
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload PositionInteger-0: Drone Position 1 (Main Gimbal)
1: Drone Position 2
2: Drone Position 3
wpml:payloadLensIndexPhoto Storage Type-Listzoom: Store zoom lens photos
wide: Store wide-angle lens photos
ir: Store infrared lens photos
night: Night vision photos
*Note: To store multiple lens photos, use a format like <wpml:payloadLensIndex>wide,ir</wpml:payloadLensIndex>
wpml:useGlobalPayloadLensIndexUse Global Storage TypeBoolean-0: Do not use global settings
1: Use global settings
wpml:targetAngleFocus Frame AngleFloat°[0, 360]
*Note: Rotation angle of the focus frame (clockwise from Y-axis)
wpml:imageWidthPhoto WidthIntegerpx960RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:imageHeightPhoto HeightIntegerpx720RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:AFPosAF Motor PositionInteger--RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalPortGimbal Port NumberInteger-Camera installation position
*Note: Fixed to 0 for M4T/M4N models
wpml:accurateCameraTypeCamera TypeInteger-52 (Model: M4T Dual-camera)
53 (Model: M4N Triple-camera)
wpml:accurateFilePathPhoto File PathString-Photo file nameRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:accurateFileMD5Photo File MD5String-MD5 value of the photo fileRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:accurateFileSizePhoto File SizeIntegerByteActual file size of the photoRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:accurateFileSuffixPhoto File SuffixString-Additional suffix for naming media filesRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:accurateCameraApertueCamera ApertureInteger-*Note: Actual aperture value x100RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:accurateCameraLuminanceAmbient LuminanceInteger--RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:accurateCameraShutterTimeShutter TimeFloatSeconds-RequiredM4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:gimbalPitchRotateAngleGimbal Pitch Rotate AngleFloat°M4T/M4N:[-90, 30]
wpml:gimbalYawRotateAngleGimbal Yaw Rotate AngleFloat°[-180, 180]
wpml:focusXFocus Frame Center X CoordinateIntegerpx(0, 960)
*Note: Top-left corner of the image is the origin (0,0)
wpml:focusYFocus Frame Center Y CoordinateIntegerpx(0, 720)
*Note: Top-left corner of the image is the origin (0,0)
wpml:focusRegionWidthFocus Frame WidthIntegerpx(0, 960)RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:focusRegionHeightFocus Frame HeightIntegerpx(0, 720)RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:focalLengthFocal LengthFloatmm> 0RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:aircraftHeadingDrone Heading (Relative to True North)Float°[-180, 180]
*Note: 0° is North, 90° is East, -90° is West, -180°/180° is South
wpml:accurateFrameValidPrecise Re-shoot Frame ValidBoolean-1: Target selected
0: Target not selected.
*Note: When set to 1, the drone will autonomously search for the target to shoot again. When set to 0, the drone will only replicate the position without target search.
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mount PositionInteger-0: Drone Position 1 (Main Gimbal)
1: Drone Position 2
2: Drone Position 3
wpml:payloadLensIndexPhoto Storage Type-Listzoom: Store zoom lens photos
wide: Store wide-angle lens photos
ir: Store infrared lens photos
visible: Visible light photos
night: Night vision photos
*Note: To store multiple lens photos, use a format like <wpml:payloadLensIndex>wide,ir</wpml:payloadLensIndex>
wpml:useGlobalPayloadLensIndexUse Global Storage TypeBoolean-0: Do not use global settings
1: Use global settings
wpml:targetAngleFocus Frame AngleFloat°[0, 360]
*Note: Rotation angle of the focus frame (clockwise from Y-axis)
wpml:actionUUIDAction Unique Identifier--*Note: The value will be embedded into the photo file to link actions and the photoRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:imageWidthPhoto WidthIntegerpx960RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:imageHeightPhoto HeightIntegerpx720RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:AFPosAF Motor PositionInteger--RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalPortGimbal Port NumberInteger-Camera installation position
*Note: Fixed to 0 for M4T/M4N models
wpml:orientedCameraTypeCamera TypeInteger-52 (M4T Dual-camera)
53 (M4N Triple-camera)
wpml:orientedFilePathPhoto File PathString-Photo file nameRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:orientedFileMD5Photo File MD5String-MD5 hash value of the photo fileRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:orientedFileSizePhoto File SizeIntegerByteActual file size of the photoRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:orientedFileSuffixPhoto File SuffixString-Additional suffix when naming media filesRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:orientedCameraApertueCamera ApertureInteger-*Note: Actual aperture value x100RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:orientedCameraLuminanceAmbient LuminanceInteger--RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:orientedCameraShutterTimeShutter TimeFloatSeconds-RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:orientedPhotoModePhoto ModeEnum-string-normalPhoto: Standard photo
lowLightSmartShooting: Low-light smart shooting


ElementNameTypeUnitValues and InterpretationRequired (Default Value)Supported Models
wpml:formationTypeFlight Formation TypeEnum - string-C: C formation
horizontalOne: Horizontal Line formation
verticalOne: Vertical Line formation
U: U formation
formationRadiusFormation RadiusFloatmFormation radius (10~100 m)Effective only in C formationM4T/M4N
formationStartAngleTail Opening Start AngleFloat°Starting angle (-180° ~ 180°)Effective only in C formationM4T/M4N
formationStopAngleTail Opening Stop AngleFloat°Ending angle (-180° ~ 180°)Effective only in C formationM4T/M4N
formationDistanceBetweenAircraftDistance Between AircraftFloatmDistance between aircraft (3~100 m)Effective only in Horizontal or Vertical Line formationM4T/M4N
formationWidthFormation WidthFloatmFormation width (10~100 m)Effective only in U formationM4T/M4N
formationLengthFormation LengthFloatmFormation length (20~100 m)Effective only in U formationM4T/M4N