

File Introduction

template.kml is a template file that can be parsed by route planning software to generate the final paths and actions to be executed by drones, namely the waylines.wpml file. The template.kml file consists of three parts:

  1. Creation Information: Mainly contains information about the route file itself, such as the file's creation and update times.
  2. Mission Information: Mainly contains the wpml:missionConfig element, which defines the global parameters of the route mission.
  3. Template Information: Mainly contains the Folder element, which defines the route's template information (such as waypoint flight, mapping aerial photography, oblique photography, strip flight, etc.). Different route template types contain different elements.

Example File

An example of the template.kml file (using the waypoint flight template as an example) is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns:wpml="http://www.autel.com/wpmz/1.0.0" xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">

<!-- Step 1: Implement File Creation Information -->

<!-- Step 2: Setup Mission Configuration -->
<!-- Declare drone model with M4T -->
<!-- Declare payload model with M4T -->

<!-- Step 3: Setup A Folder for Waypoint Template -->
<!-- Fill longitude and latitude here -->
<!-- Fill longitude and latitude here -->
<!-- Declare action group for waypoint 1# -->
<!-- Declare the 1st action: rotate gimbal -->
<!-- Declare the 2nd action: take photo -->

Element Descriptions

Creation Information (Parent Element: <Document>)

ElementNameTypeUnitDescription and ValuesRequired (Default)Supported Models
wpml:authorFile CreatorString--No, optionalM4T/M4N
wpml:createTimeFile Creation Time (Unix Timestamp)Integerms-No, optionalM4T/M4N
wpml:updateTimeFile Update Time (Unix Timestamp)Integerms-No, optionalM4T/M4N

Mission Information (Parent Element: <wpml:missionConfig>)

ElementNameTypeUnitDescription and ValuesRequired (Default)Supported Models
wpml:flyToWaylineModeMode to Fly to First WaypointEnum-string-safely: Safe mode
pointToPoint: Direct flight mode
wpml:finishActionFinish ActionEnum-string-goHome: Return home after mission
noAction: No action after mission
autoLand: Auto land after mission
gotoFirstWaypoint: Fly to the first waypoint after mission
wpml:exitOnRCLostContinue Mission if RC is LostEnum-string-goContinue: Continue
executeLostAction: Execute lost action
wpml:executeRCLostActionLost Action TypeEnum-string-goBack: Return home
landing: Land
hover: Hover
Required if wpml:exitOnRCLost is executeLostActionM4T/M4N
wpml:takeOffSecurityHeightSafety Take-off HeightFloatm[2, 1500] (Height Mode: Relative to takeoff point)RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:globalTransitionalSpeedGlobal Wayline Transition SpeedFloatm/s[1,15]RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:globalRTHHeightGlobal Return-to-Home HeightFloatmNote: The aircraft ascends to this height before returning homeRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:takeOffRefPoint<x,y,z>Reference Takeoff PointFloat°, °, m[-90,90],[-180,180], No limitNo, optional-
wpml:takeOffRefPointAGLHeightReference Takeoff Point ElevationFloatmNote: Elevation of the "reference takeoff point" corresponding to the ellipsoid height.No, optional-
wpml:droneInfoDrone Model Information--See detailed information in the "Common Elements" section-M4T/M4N
wpml:payloadInfoPayload Model Information--See detailed information in the "Common Elements" section-M4T/M4N
wpml:autoRerouteInfoRoute Rerouting-----

Template Information (Parent Element: <Folder>)

Common Elements for Templates (Parent Element: <Folder>)
ElementNameTypeUnitDescription and ValuesRequired (Default)Supported Models
wpml:templateTypePredefined Template TypeEnum-string-waypoint: Waypoint flight
mapping2d: Mapping aerial photography
mapping3d: Oblique photography
mappingStrip: Strip flight
waypointFormation: Formation flight
wpml:templateIdTemplate IDInteger-[0, 65535]RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:autoFlightSpeedGlobal Flight Speed of the WaylineFloatm/s[1,15]RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:waylineCoordinateSysParamCoordinate System Parameters----M4T/M4N
wpml:payloadParamPayload Settings----M4T/M4N


ElementNameTypeUnitDescription and ValuesRequired (Default)Supported Models
wpml:payloadPositionIndexPayload Mounting PositionInteger-0: Position 1 on the aircraft
1: Position 2 on the aircraft
2: Position 3 on the aircraft
wpml:focusModePayload Focus ModeEnum-string-firstPoint: Auto-focus at the first waypoint
custom: Use calibrated focus value
wpml:meteringModePayload Metering ModeEnum-string-average: Average metering
spot: Spot metering
wpml:dewarpingEnableEnable Distortion CorrectionBoolean-0: Disable
1: Enable
wpml:returnModeLidar Return ModeEnum-string-singleReturnStrongest: Single return
dualReturn: Dual return
tripleReturn: Triple return
wpml:samplingRatePayload Sampling RateIntegerHz60000, 80000, 120000, 160000, 180000, 240000--
wpml:scanningModePayload Scanning ModeEnum-string-repetitive: Repetitive scanning
nonRepetitive: Non-repetitive scanning
wpml:modelColoringEnableTrue Color ColoringBoolean-0: No coloring
1: True color coloring
wpml:imageFormatList of Image FormatsEnum-string (List)-wide: Store wide-angle lens photos
zoom: Store zoom lens photos
ir: Store infrared lens photos
narrow_band: Store narrow-band lens photos
* Note: To store multiple lens photos, format like "<wpml:imageFormat>wide,ir</wpml:imageFormat>"

Waypoint Flight Template Elements (Parent Element: <Folder>)

ElementNameTypeUnitDescription and ValuesRequired (Default)Supported Models
wpml:globalWaypointTurnModeGlobal Waypoint Type (Global Waypoint Turn Mode)Enum-string-coordinateTurn: Coordinated turn, turning in advance without stopping at the point.
toPointAndStopWithDiscontinuityCurvature: Straight flight, the aircraft stops at the point.
toPointAndStopWithContinuityCurvature: Curved flight, the aircraft stops at the point.
toPointAndPassWithContinuityCurvature: Curved flight, the aircraft does not stop at the point.
wpml:globalUseStraightLineGlobal Segment Trajectory to Follow Straight Line as Much as PossibleBoolean-0: The segment trajectory is entirely curved.
1: The segment trajectory tries to follow a straight line between two points.
Required, when "wpml:globalWaypointTurnMode" is set to "toPointAndStopWithContinuityCurvature" or "toPointAndPassWithContinuityCurvature". Local definitions may override this global setting.M4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalPitchModeGimbal Pitch Control ModeEnum-string-manual: Manual control. During the flight from one waypoint to the next, the user can manually control the gimbal's pitch angle. If there is no user control, maintain the gimbal pitch angle when leaving the waypoint.
usePointSetting: According to each waypoint setting. The gimbal's pitch angle smoothly transitions to the next waypoint's pitch angle during the flight from one waypoint to the next.
wpml:globalHeightGlobal Wayline Height (Relative to Takeoff Point Height)Floatm-RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:globalWaypointHeadingParamGlobal Yaw Mode Parameters----M4T/M4N
Placemark(Point)Waypoint Information (including latitude, longitude, and height)----M4T/M4N

Mapping Aerial Photography Template Elements (Parent Element: <Placemark>)

ElementNameTypeUnitDescription and ValuesRequired (Default)Supported Models
wpml:caliFlightEnableEnable Calibration FlightBoolean-0: Disable
1: Enable, automatically perform inertial navigation calibration during the flight line to ensure model accuracy. Calibration flights at the beginning and end of the line include three acceleration and deceleration flights; automatic expansion at turns for acceleration and deceleration flights. Calibration flights are inserted evenly for long lines, with each calibration not exceeding 100s of flight time.
wpml:elevationOptimizeEnableEnable Elevation OptimizationBoolean-0: Disable
1: Enable, the aircraft will fly to the center of the measurement area after completing the flight line to collect a set of oblique photos, optimizing elevation accuracy.
wpml:smartObliqueEnableEnable Smart Oblique ShootingBoolean-0: Disable
1: Enable, the aircraft can complete orthographic and oblique photo shooting during a single mapping aerial photography mission by swaying the gimbal.
wpml:smartObliqueGimbalPitchSmart Oblique Shooting Gimbal Pitch AngleInteger-Corresponds to the gimbal's rotatable range.--
wpml:shootTypeShooting Mode (Timed or Distance-based)Enum-string-time: Timed shooting
distance: Interval shooting
* Note: Timed shooting is recommended. In the template.kml file, define "shooting mode", "overlap rate", and "flight speed", and calculate the interval time or distance to be written into the waylines.wpml file.
wpml:directionFlight Line DirectionInteger-[0, 360]RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:marginExtension Distance of the Measurement AreaIntegerm-RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:overlapOverlap Parameters----M4T/M4N
wpml:ellipsoidHeightGlobal Wayline Height (Ellipsoidal Height)
* Note: If wpml:height is used for Relative to Takeoff Point Height, then wpml:ellipsoidHeight and wpml:height are the same; if wpml:height is used for EGM96 elevation or AGL Relative Ground Height, then wpml:ellipsoidHeight is converted accordingly from wpml:height.
wpml:heightGlobal Wayline Height (EGM96 Elevation/Relative to Takeoff Point Height/AGL Relative Ground Height)
* Note: This element is used in conjunction with wpml:ellipsoidHeight, both expressing the same position in different elevation reference planes.
PolygonMeasurement Area Polygon
* Note: The format here is like "<Polygon> <outerBoundaryIs> <LinearRing> <coordinates> longitude,latitude,0 longitude,latitude,0 longitude,latitude,0 </coordinates> </LinearRing> </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon>"
wpml:mappingHeadingParamMapping Aerial Photography Aircraft Orientation Parameters----M4T/M4N
wpml:gimbalPitchModeGimbal Pitch ModeEnum-string-manual: Manual control of gimbal pitch angle
fixed: Fixed to user-set pitch angle
wpml:gimbalPitchAngleGimbal Pitch Angle°-[-90, -30]*Note: Required when wpml:gimbalPitchMode is "fixed"M4T/M4N

Oblique Photography Template Elements (Parent Element: <Placemark>)

ElementNameTypeUnitDescription and ValuesRequired (Default)Supported Models
wpml:caliFlightEnableEnable Calibration Flight
Boolean-0: Disable
1: Enable, automatically perform inertial navigation calibration throughout the flight to ensure model accuracy. The calibration includes three acceleration and deceleration flights at the beginning and end, automatic expansion at turns, and evenly distributed calibration flights for long lines, ensuring that each calibration flight does not exceed 100 seconds.
wpml:inclinedGimbalPitchGimbal Pitch Angle for Oblique PhotographyInteger°*Note: Different gimbals have different rotatable ranges. The oblique photography template generates five flight lines, one for orthographic imaging and four for oblique imaging. This element sets the gimbal pitch angle for oblique imaging.RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:inclinedFlightSpeedFlight Speed for Oblique LinesFloatm/s[1,15]
*Note: The oblique photography template generates five flight lines, one for orthographic imaging and four for oblique imaging. This element sets the target flight speed for oblique imaging.
wpml:shootTypeShooting Mode (Timed or Distance-based)Enum-string-time: Timed shooting
distance: Distance-based shooting
*Note: Timed shooting is recommended. Definitions for "shooting mode", "overlap rate", and "flight speed" are made in the template.kml file, and the calculated interval time or distance is written into the waylines.wpml file.
wpml:directionFlight Line DirectionInteger°[0, 360]RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:marginMeasurement Area Extension DistanceIntegerm-RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:overlapOverlap Parameters----M4T/M4N
wpml:ellipsoidHeightGlobal Flight Line Height (Ellipsoidal Height)
*Note: This element is used together with "wpml:height", representing the same position in different elevation reference planes.
wpml:heightGlobal Flight Line Height (EGM96 Elevation/Relative to Takeoff Point Height/AGL Relative Ground Height)、
*Note: This element is used in conjunction with "wpml:ellipsoidHeight", both expressing the same location in different elevation reference planes.
PolygonMeasurement Area Polygon
*Note: The format here is "<Polygon> <outerBoundaryIs> <LinearRing> <coordinates> longitude,latitude,0 longitude,latitude,0 longitude,latitude,0 </coordinates> </LinearRing> </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon>"

Waypoint Information (Parent Element: <Placemark>)

ElementNameTypeUnitValues and DefinitionsRequired (Default)Supported Aircraft Models
PointWaypoint Coordinates
* Note: The format here is like "<Point> <coordinates> longitude, latitude </coordinates> </Point>"
wpml:indexWaypoint Index
* Note: Unique within a route. Must start from 0 and increment monotonically within the same route.
Integer-[0, 65535]RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:useGlobalHeightWhether to Use Global AltitudeBoolean-0, 1RequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:ellipsoidHeightWaypoint Altitude (WGS84 Ellipsoid Height)
* Note: This element, along with "wpml:height", represents the same position with different altitude reference planes.
* Note: Required when "wpml:useGlobalHeight" is "0"
wpml:heightWaypoint Altitude (EGM96 Geoid Height / Relative to Takeoff Point / AGL Above Ground Level)
* Note: This element, along with "wpml:ellipsoidHeight", represents the same position with different altitude reference planes.
* Note: Required when "wpml:useGlobalHeight" is "0"
wpml:useGlobalSpeedWhether to Use Global Flight Speed
* Note: Global flight speed here refers to "wpml:autoFlightSpeed"
Boolean-0: Do not use global settings
1: Use global settings
wpml:waypointSpeedWaypoint Flight SpeedFloatm/s[1,15]
* Note: Required when "wpml:useGlobalSpeed" is "0"
wpml:useGlobalHeadingParamWhether to Use Global Heading Mode ParametersBoolean-0: Do not use global settings
1: Use global settings
wpml:waypointHeadingParamHeading Mode Parameters---Required
* Note: Required when "wpml:useGlobalHeadingParam" is "0"
wpml:useGlobalTurnParamWhether to Use Global Waypoint Type (Global Waypoint Turn Mode)Boolean-0: Do not use global settings
1: Use global settings
wpml:waypointTurnParamWaypoint Type (Waypoint Turn Mode)---Required
* Note: Required when "wpml:useGlobalTurnParam" is "0"
wpml:useStraightLineWhether the Segment Should Follow a Straight LineBoolean-0: Segment trajectory is entirely curved
1: Segment trajectory tries to follow a straight line between two points
* Note: Required when "waypointTurnMode" inside "wpml:waypointTurnParam" is set to "toPointAndStopWithContinuityCurvature" or "toPointAndPassWithContinuityCurvature". If set, local definition overrides global definition.
wpml:gimbalPitchAngleWaypoint Gimbal Pitch AngleFloat°Corresponding to the range of gimbal movement for the aircraft modelRequired
* Note: Required when "wpml:gimbalPitchMode" is "usePointSetting"
wpml:formationInfoRoute Formation InformationNote: Read detailed information in the Shared Elements section-M4T/M4N

Coordinate System Parameter Information (Parent Element: <wpml:waylineCoordinateSysParam>)

ElementNameTypeUnitValues and DefinitionsRequired (Default)Supported Aircraft Models
wpml:coordinateModeLongitude and Latitude Coordinate SystemEnum-string-WGS84: Currently fixed to use
WGS84 coordinate system
wpml:heightModeWaypoint Altitude Reference PlaneEnum-string-EGM96: Altitude edited using geoid height
relativeToStartPoint: Altitude edited using height relative to a point
aboveGroundLevel: Edited using terrain data, AGL editing (only supported for SIKON2 platform)
realTimeFollowSurface: Using real-time terrain following mode (only for mapping drone templates), supported for M3E/M3T/M3M aircraft models only
wpml:positioningTypeSource of Longitude, Latitude, and Altitude DataEnum-string-GPS: Position data acquisition source is GPS/BDS/GLONASS/GALILEO
RTKBaseStation: Use RTK base station for differential positioning during position data acquisition
QianXun: Use QianXun network RTK for differential positioning during position data acquisition
Custom: Use custom network RTK for differential positioning during position data acquisition
Not required, *Note: This element is only used to mark the position data source and does not affect the actual route execution.M4T/M4N
wpml:globalShootHeightAircraft Height from Captured Surface (Above Ground)FloatmUsed for calculating photo intervals and GSDRequiredM4T/M4N
wpml:surfaceFollowModeEnableWhether to Enable Terrain Following FlightBoolean-0: Disabled
1: Enabled
wpml:surfaceRelativeHeightTerrain Following Flight Height (Above Ground)Floatm-Required
* Note: Required when "wpml:surfaceFollowModeEnable" is "1"

Overlap Rate Information (Parent Element: <wpml:overlap>)

ElementNameTypeUnitValues and DefinitionsRequired (Default)Supported Aircraft Models
wpml:orthoLidarOverlapHLidar Along-track Overlap (Ortho)IntegerPercentage[0, 100]--
wpml:orthoLidarOverlapWLidar Across-track Overlap (Ortho)IntegerPercentage[0, 100]--
wpml:orthoCameraOverlapHCamera Along-track Overlap (Ortho)IntegerPercentage[0, 100]-M4T/M4N
wpml:orthoCameraOverlapWCamera Across-track Overlap (Ortho)IntegerPercentage[0, 100]-M4T/M4N
wpml:inclinedLidarOverlapHLidar Along-track Overlap (Inclined)IntegerPercentage[0, 100]--
wpml:inclinedLidarOverlapWLidar Across-track Overlap (Inclined)IntegerPercentage[0, 100]--
wpml:inclinedCameraOverlapHCamera Along-track Overlap (Inclined)IntegerPercentage[0, 100]-M4T/M4N
wpml:inclinedCameraOverlapWCamera Across-track Overlap (Inclined)IntegerPercentage[0, 100]-M4T/M4N

Mapping Aerial Vehicle Heading Parameters (Parent Element: <wpml:mappingHeadingParam>)

ElementNameTypeUnitValues and DefinitionsRequired (Default)Supported Aircraft Models
wpml:mappingHeadingModeAircraft Heading ModeEnum-string-fixed: Fixed to user-set heading angle
followWayline: Heading angle follows the route
wpml:mappingHeadingAngleAircraft Heading AngleInteger°[0, 360]*Note: Required when "wpml:mappingHeadingMode" is "fixed"M4T/M4N