Situational Awareness
Function Overview
The situational awareness function primarily allows the server to push device (aircraft/remote controller) coordinate information to Autel Enterprise. Autel Enterprise will display the pushed information on the map. This enables the formation of a network among all devices within the same workspace. Not only can the information be viewed on the web, but pilots can also see it, effectively promoting situational information sharing and communication among all devices.
Interaction Sequence Diagram
Interface Detailed Implementation
Situational Awareness (HTTPS)
Retrieve device topology list- After Autel Enterprise goes online for the first time, it will send an HTTP request to retrieve the list and topology of all devices within the same workspace. The server needs to send the entire device list to Autel Enterprise. Additionally, when receiving WebSocket commands notifying about device online/offline/update events, this interface should be called to request the device topology list for updates.
Situational Awareness (WebSocket) and Remote Controller Device Management
- Other devices will push telemetry information to the server, and the server periodically pushes the telemetry information of all devices within the same workspace to Autel Enterprise. Autel Enterprise will update the device status and position on the map in real time based on the received data.
- Device online/offline push
When the server receives a request for topology updates of any device within the same workspace, it also broadcasts a device topology update push via WebSocket to Autel Enterprise. Upon receiving this push, Autel Enterprise will trigger the "Retrieve Device Topology List" request.